Thursday, September 24, 2009

Can you believe I've been awake since 4 am Sept 23

and it is now 12:32 am..sept 24. wtf?
totally on the natch. cause I don't do drugs. vodka is not a drug. it is elixir to make you smart. You. Smart.

Here is what's new in funkoma world...
Amazingly ludicrisly soft.
Lolita Lempicka alpaca wool blend coat..with a scarf...cape...thing...
check it out!

Told Ya! yes it's on etsy.
Can you tell I have a new camera and some new lights? Yes. Much better. I told you I can learn. That only took um, a few years. Man I miss my northern light ManRoom.(last picture)
k. now I'm tired. back later with a story about a gal that bought a dress from me on etsy, within ......oh, 2 hours of listing it! WTG! Automne !

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