1. My favorite color.
2. Fits me like a glove.
3. Very Miss Havisham.
4. Sold to me by a Swell Gal...Miss KD
sometimes known on ebay as 6658927
5. Describes one of my many moods, perfectly.
What is Tressie Fest ? It is the celebration of all things Tressie
And all things Autumn, except football.
Drink cider, jacked or otherwise, Eat fresh tomatoes, shop the farmers market,
Buy pumpkins and put them everywhere, in your car, in your bar, on your head.
Wear Mums in your hair, and basil tucked in your breast.......
Tressie Fest is somewhat Suessian...it is Joy that should not be Xanax'd !!
It's the celebration of everything that Spring and Summer did for you while youwere dreaming....So Dream on Sailors........sail the canoe.....paddle your life.....Live it like there is no tomorrow......and appreciate the orange gourd with the deep blue sky...............
..........Be HIGH....Be LOVE.........
and all are invited in........