Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Oh Little Garden...how you make me smile..

Mark and I went and liberated some bricks at the other end of the parking lot on Commerce...and I built a border, and filled it with a blend of chicken shit, compost and dirt...plus the dirt that had blown in to this little space from years and years ago.

It's the remnants of a parking strip, at the entrance of a building that was torn down...I don't know exactly how long ago...about 25 years at least. So, a small maple had rooted in the 3" deep soil, a few butterfly bushes, some blackberries, and those ferns that are all connected to each other trailing off to whereever they want to pop up...

I planted nasturtium seeds....maybe a bit late for them frosty-wise, but we'll see. 70+ narcissus bulbs...a few pansies, a few johnny-jump-ups, and 4 winter kale. I tossed some alyssum seeds over the dirt...I'll still add in some dusty miller...

If it's still here...if it isn't destroyed by vandals or the City of Tacoma (replacing the sidewalks for the rich yuppies)...I'll add primroses as soon as they become available...

Glen added a broken china Little Colonel...he's headless and has only one arm. I think he's just fine....a wounded veteran...spending his last days at Tressies Vets Home............ just like where I grew up.....
this is what I do...Make Chicken Soup...out of Chicken Shit.

Being Scary...Being Sarah Palin

The Woman Who just won't go away...like that little paper cut at the end of your pointing finger, the one you use 1000 times a day...
Yes, Sarah Palin, The Painful Hemorrhoid of Politics, Proof Positive, that just because someone is in possession of a twat, it doesn't make them...
a) Smart



If you gotta Do Sarah one more time this year...Please, the more we hold her kind up to ridicule the less power these morons will have over us....
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