here he is with Matt Dillon, in Rumble Fish.
In The Sons of Katie Elder, with John Wayne.
Dennis, standing in front of Paul Newman, from Cool Hand Luke.
And below, Dennis in Easy Rider.
and I shall now go watch this movie..
Flashback.......I fucking love this movie!
If you haven't seen this yet....I think you should (for free on IMDB).
Listen to the speech Dennis/Huey gives near the end...
there ya go.
Here's a repost from 2007.
Maybe I'm just goofy, and I probably am.....but the world needs more Originals......
and that is the premise behind funkoma vintage.....Dressing and living as an original person...rather than mindlessly traipsing thru the mall...
Because wearing vintage and decorating your home and style with the good stuff from the years past takes some brainpower.....
If it was great back then, it still is recycle.
Since Twiggy, from my Seventeen magazine-reading days, uh, back in the 60s.....and my lust for the 70s Lauren with Dennis Hopper...
I haven't desired to look like anyone else on the planet....not that I'm so's just that I like to do my own thing and since plastic surgery is never gonna be in my budget....well, I've had to spend my time Just Be'n ME !
There is one gal, however that really makes me happy.....
Yes I am a Chloe-Girl...Sevigny, that is....
from is the Early Chloe....Great fashion sense...and there's the reason why I love her.....even though
she's Tall, Blonde, Slim & Has Straight White Teeth...(which makes life easier...)
She seems so "normal" if you saw her in the grocery store she'd say Hi! (if you didn't act like a big goober) and mush and lush all over her...which would turn anyone off, or should....