Mark has about 4 months of vacation time saved up.....paid. We are planning our time away from Tacoma.
the Merkle....
you might stay here....if you visit...
Not that Tacoma isn't a swell place to visit...what with the
MOG, the Point Defiance, the water....all.that.water.

mountain and bridge...Glen on the roof of old City Hall.

But I like to travel a tiny bit. Mark hates all travel. He drives for a living. Ha ha.
I think we should pack it in.....
Ralph Lauren...I got your prop right here buddy...

But what to pack? Where am I going?

Some good walking shoes... that will go with jeans and skirts...

a pretty skirt.....perfect at the park or out to dinner...

always pack a good pair of leather may want to walk thru the forest or a pretty park for a picnic....

a sensible dress that has pockets, that looks good pressed or wrinkled....good cotton khaki will do........

a suit is a great idea, if it's in excellent fabric, like wool, for packs, it's versatile and easy to care for.....wrinkles fall out.....and it classes up a simple skirt or a pair of jeans......

take plenty of money......send postcards.......