Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes
I'm not even sure you realize how much important fundamental change is needed in the direction this country is going.....but chew on dat Chew On Dat......
But 75% of the income made during this Bush Admin......went to the top 1% of Americans...
that means.........You middle class workers......just got royally screwed by the Reagan Revolution of tax cuts for the wealthy and massive deregulation......
did ya enjoy it? That was Class Warfare.....and you didn't see it coming.....
they now treat you like they've always treated the poor....disposable....
Welcome to the Hyper-Inflation 3rd need to travel to Mexico.....the Banana Republic is Here .........
Your mortgage is in default, your credit cards are maxed out, and you haven't had a raise in a decade, and you have no health care.
That's a Republican for ya !!!!!
Europe is already 20 years ahead of us in energy conservation and fiscal responsibility, need I mention Health Care, while we spend a billion a month (might as well be if you add the interest on the national debt) to fight a "war" solely for the benefit of the Oil Companies......2 Oil Men in the top jobs in the White House...what did you think was gonna happen????