A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
oh, right.
meeting tonight...
Do It Right Tacoma
Join us the Anti-Berm group at our next information meeting. and tour. Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 26th, 5:00, 402 East 26th, Tacoma 98421 in the Dome District. Short meeting scheduled at 5:00 p.m., so it won't conflict with other evening plans.... Please join and show your support, bring friends and family members, and spread the word about this event.anyway, when I think of The Berm...I think of this...

Nasty Berm...I used to live there, I drive there all the time....a berm is nasty...
Look ...
now if they would just turn it into a lovely always-maintained park...a community Pea Patch...I could support it...maybe.
Long Live Post and Beam!!!