Here's what we're doing for 1st Night.... The Pigs !! The Parade !!
the magic guy !! Bamboooozle !!
Movies !! Pirates !!............
And after that I dunno.....I'm letting my mood guide me .....I may have some family traipsing along....and I expect to have fun fun fun.....
while visting as many people places and things as I can ....
The main concern for me is staying warm ! So, my ensemble will likely include Fur...maybe PI, but when have I ever been PC...
Me and some of my spawn were at the first First Night in Tacoma !!
Sale ? Did you say Sale ? All thru January all coats, jackets and sweaters are 20% off !
Yes ! Oh it gets better ...on 3rd Thursdays...50s % off Something Secret......I love sales......I thought I'd share the joy .......