Thursday, June 4, 2009

Vote For Salmon Swimming thru the North End !

Time to Vote!
Time to vote for salmon streams running through Tacoma!
Vote for Puget Creek Restoration Society
Vote Green
Vote Scott

Scott Hansen, founder of the Puget Creek Restoration Society, and our sweet neighbor here on Broadway, funky funky dirty dirty Broadway, is a finalist in the Cox Conserves Heroes program, presented by KIRO 7.

This program honors people in the community that help create, preserve or enhance places for everyone to creeks, parks, gardens, plazas, streets and public squares.........the places that make life beautiful......
the places that make life possible.

go here... Then click
to see a lovely website....ahhhh...breathe deep...........

then, on the

Welcome to the Seattle Market

page, click finalists and watch a sweet video about what Scott and the folks do...
then come back and click vote.........
and click for Scott........
You'll feel better......

and omg........the Puget Creek Restoration Society can win
5 Thousand, yes, bones or clams or whatever you call them
to continue the fabulous work...and get a load of urban achievers in the vid....

so VOTE you hooked up monkey...Scott Hansen is at the bottom of the vote page......