I really didn't wanna go to Neil's new 1022...I liked the Monsoon Room just fine, thank you...
but after having tons of fun at the Tempest, and chatting with George, Bender, and Teddy....and a very drunk Mark (not my Mark, someone else's), it was time to go...and when you are at the Tempest...
you just naturally go around the block (don't trip on the busted sidewalk, please)
(sorry for the lack of pretty pictures, I'm back to my old camera, and I'm feeling lazy right now...)
It was plainer and there's no outside seating which is very very upsetting...I spend 9 months a year inside (what, am I a fetus??)
and also, I am a Californian...
I expect some outside action (so get busy....)
But Cory, tender of the evening's entertainment and Jessica, who works at The Art Place...and wears moccasin type shoes (sorry for being all happy and drooly)
but no one wears moccasins..so I get a little excited...made it all better.
Absinthe is bad, and good. That's all I'm saying about that.
Except, this anniversary will be memorable....
It was a learning experience, too.
I learned that some people think LeMay should team up with HotRodARama...to lend some credibility to it.....
folks who haven't been in Tacoma very long are very impressed with LeMay... well, Mark knows way too much about LeMay and old cars, so LeMay is not impressive at all...
but since humans have now been trained to want a Disneyland-Style experience of the most trivial of pursuits.....LeMay will generate copious amounts of money....
HotRod on the other hand is a 100% different kind of experience. It is LeMay that would benefit from the genuine art, intelligence, and kindness that is HotRod...
HotRod would not benefit, because the object of HotRod is not to generate money, number 1, it is to celebrate creativity and the old ethic of people to people fun and art that swells up inside the chest of us who didn't go to art school and wouldn't apply for an art grant if our life depended on it.....
because for a large bunch of humans....
Simply doing something wonderful and satisfying... is what it is all about.
while I wish the folks who work at LeMay and the folks around the Dome who will make some money (finally)....huzzah.
This difference is absolutely crucial to understanding our culture today....and a lot of otherwise smart people (mostly university graduates...) MISS this crucial difference about what is happening in human history now.
Bigness is losing out....and the small, and the personal, and the local is what is coming back.... Social Media is a Big Thing, not a small thing....and I'm sorry if you don't know that. Blabbing on the internet....is a sorry excuse for real life. Which is why I make the rounds....all the time and drool on your shoes.
Farmer's Market today..I shall be jumping the fence to set in my vegies and seeds...
the shop is going along pretty good with the massive cleaning and rearranging project..it looks like a bomb went off...but soon it will be all pretty.
The other thing I learned was that my favorite Greener who is older than me....has had some very serious health problems.
Love one another, hug and make merry.
Too soon our mortal coil may unwind....