Back in the early 80s I noticed that a lot and I mean a lot....of things I was buying new were made in countries other than America. I use to enjoy buying neat imported things from
Cost Plus Imports in San Francisco back in the 70s, and the occasional cute widget at Woolworths, but imported merchandise was still quite rare. I bought wicker baskets from China because that's where they were made. Made in India handwoven and stamped textiles indigenous to the country...When that changed to making 3rd world countries the low-wage exploited workers of the world...I stopped buying imported goods if at all possible.
And, I simply stopped buying imports from that time on....unless I could not find it made in the USA. This meant I went without a lot of stuff. And that is fine! I made do, I bought used, I made it myself, I lived without. (I have always had used clothes, used housewares, used cars, and used furniture...this new trend of "junk" and "diy" ain't anything new to me!)
During the 70s, I remember imports from Taiwan ROC, and Hong Kong, for instance, showing up in clothing shops. And Volkswagens...and Volvos...from Europe!
While the imports were rare until the mid 1980s, they offered no real
challenge to American jobs and our economy. The industry that grows
around imports.....the ships, the ports, the dockworkers, the
movers....can add to an economy. What has happened since Reagan was
installed in the White House, is that people have been convinced that
buying American is dumb, that government is the enemy, and that Unions
didn't get those high wages we used to enjoy.....and now....we have
low-paying jobs in the US, and Americans have closets overflowing with
junk from China.
a label from a vintage nightgown, Made in USA, and UNION made!
I have always been promoting the re-use of that stuff others have
discarded! When I say "The Recycled Life", I'm not saying some slick
marketing concept.....I live it. I believe it.
I know this has always been the right way to live.
I developed this philosophy of living back in the '60s when I was a teenager.
1. Buy Quality. It lasts a long long time, cutting down on waste.
2. Buy from Small Business. Do you think Macy's really gives a shit about you?
Buy local as much as possible. We live in a world economy, and we
always have, so if you can't find what you want in your area, search out
other small businesses, and buy from them.
When I offer something with a not-made-in-America label, it is vintage or used. It needs to be reintroduced to our modern life again. It needs to see life again. It needs to be used, and worn out!
We can't change the past, but we can change today....we can change tomorrow.
Where ever you live, you can buy more stuff made locally, buy better quality stuff, and be mindful of all your purchases. I'm typing on a made in China computer.....because I repaired my old
computers until they could not be revived. I didn't buy a new computer
every year....I kept what I had for about 5 years, and got it repaired.
Minnetonka moccasins are made in (surprise) Minnetonka Minnesota USA.
Since 1946, Minnetonka has been a staple of American style.
Crayons are made in the USA! not every Binney-Smith product.....but crayons are.
Here's the classic Crayola factory tour from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.