Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Wattle...

as time goes by, I'm acquiring a wattle, and a waddle....but here's the kind I really love!

photo and Mother Earth news article

That's a wattle fence....woven sticks....almost any kind will do....I think the most common is willow....wouldn't that be nice!
I haven't the time right now to weave my sticks...and I have a lot of sticks in my yard...because I have..several locust trees..and as lovely as they are and they are...^^^^
they are notorious for their rather brittle, every wind blowing harder than 30 miles an hour, litters my yard with twigs and branches. Which is fantastic! Here's what I did with some of them....
I made a Lazy-Lady Wattle fence...

I decided to make a bit of a woodland garden here between the locusts. I think the skeleton laying in the bed is kinda funny...with the bike and my salvaged beach find...No Wake.
get it. dead guy, no wake...nevermind...:-(

I gathered the sticks and stacked them...I pull the grass and dandelions as I feel like it. I've planted a foxglove, a pretty poppy, and a few seeds so we'll see what comes up.
There's ivy regrowing in the bed...and when the house was being "remodeled" the gold shag carpet was tossed here, in this bed. I shudder, and get real angry when I think of what this yard used to look like...I guess it was full of deutzia, viburnum, hundreds of daffs and lilies, all the best mid-century old fashioned things to grow...just pulled out when a House Flipper fucked it up. What I think was here...will be another post...with pretty pictures!

Just stacked sticks...pretty effective...the flowers will fill in...and by fall it'll be real purty....

and here's night ...with purple lights....

Here's 2 wattle fence ideas from England...which is where I think this's been around as long as humans had some time on their hands, and a big pile of sticks...