Not that Red Hot...Erik said, and I agree, since I've been saying this myself for oh....27 years...the way to make money in Tacoma is to sell booze !
Any moron can make a lot of money in Tacoma just by selling you beer...and cocktails...... and if they toss in a limp hot dog...you love it !!!!
OK, to that end...went camping again...the pics are below...I tried to make my tent look like a Bedouin...I need more paisley and sparkle but it's a Good start.
then we bought dozens of oysters ($12.00) fresh from Carl's farm on Marrowstone Island........
see Mark cooking...then we drank many cocktails ($9.00) and ate many oysters....
prices of great dining while camping is because, we cooked and mixed ourselves instead of going to fancy schmancy restaurant...
The sunsets! Sunsets are one of my favorite things that the planet does....
OK, back to work!!
Many things in funkoma vintage are 50% off !!!
the RED X sale goes thru the first week of August, when the bulk of new fall stuff arrives... (there's some new fall stuff out already...)
Cleaned and moved and set up the Cocktail Party.......
Gold velvet furniture...
Gold and Fiberglass lamps...
Fringe dresses, lots of sequins....
Ruffle shirts and dressy jackets for the guys...

******* BIRTHDAY CAMPING ********