I do this all the time...I'll decide I want one, and then 2 years later, I donate, and then the next year I want a denim vest or sleeveless denim shirt and then it's back to the thrift to buy one, and whack whack whack.
and since your dad was hip before you were hip.....dads are the original hipsters wearing his jean jacket vest
I was bloghopping and noticed it a lot ! here's a few pics...and 99% are California. I think I'm influenced by California's own, The Hells Angels. yeah, that's it.
Hells Angels San Bernadino.......
What really happened in Hollister, July 6, 1947– what the San Francisco Chronicle called the worst 40 hours in the history of a town?
cute girls and a denim vest , all from Fashionist
bleached out denim vest with a dress and really tall heels....
and a super bad ass dyed and studded denim vest from Australia's Big Bad Wolf
oh no no no no....the sleeves cut off - Yes ! cut the pockets off...bitch please!