so....on the Big Party Night.....I saw someone in a Flamingo costume....and another lady with cheek dots tossing toast, and ladies with their dresses over their heads..........and me ... checking out my neighborhood with my growling dog in my arms....
can one be in trouble for walking while drinking? With her dog in her arms? Naaah.
So thanks to all you lovely people for giving me another sparkle-full evening on Planet Earth, Tacoma WA. First Night was first rate.
Thanks for not making me drink anything besides water, soda pop, and vodka. The food was yummy, the conversations were silly and Tacoma partied just swell ...all was wet and chummy....and no one danced naked in public (that I saw...) and only the dog puked.
So the men and a woman or 2 have arrived on my street with trucks and pipes and many big orange signs. I'll be taking at least a few pics a week to document the progress of Progress.
First they moved the big concrete planters........and then they cut down all the trees on our stretch of Broadway....boy are people who are closed on Monday gonna be surprised on Tuesday !!
I sell small furniture and tho Eames isn't my style, I do love a good thing .... and I love the love story of the married couple who brought a European modern style to the US and did it West Coast style........
here's a little vid....