I found some vintage 30s shoes that look like modern designer shoes...proving that if it wasn't for history, there would be nothing on the catwalks of London Paris Rome er, Milan Tokyo....but naked skinny dirty tall bald girls......... So these are uh, Weitzman, Givenchy (Geevenchy, just like it's written), and Galliano, ( not showing up yet, hmmmm).....who, actually, never ever disappoints on the Catwalk, SOOO...
my 30s vintage I. Miller pumps with peeptoes......really. And a neeto Paganne to boot. I tease, not.
So I look at these 30s shoes and I think...
".I see a woman named Constance marching right across the room to wag her finger at that cad Jeffery !!! How could he do such a thing !!! Why the very thought of him chatting up that nasty Mrs. Laboufdeeay....why it just burns my cakes......(or something like that......) "
1970 Gene Berk Paganne....so Pucci Era, but only if you see the world in Black and White TV....don't be negative now......