Currently plowing through about 50 years of stuff......because funkomavintage worldwide hdqtrs is moving..... so magazines, old notes, moldy Christmas cards, and greasy refrigerator magnets are on their way to the garbage can or the Goodwill......
I have kept this tear from a magazine featuring Denise Carbonell. why? because she wrote on her walls, and was a NYC fashion designer, just like me!
from May 1989, Metropolitan Home magazine ( I probably stole it from a doctor's office)
I never been to no NYC ....but I am a fashion designer, and I have written lots of poems and drawn birds and trees on my walls........long before decals, my friend.
I like what Denise designed, and I am a fashion designer too.....I'm not famous, much. anyhooo. MetalandThread is what Denise is up to these days........ Denise has an etsy store and now she designs way cool jewelry. I hope she is still writing on her walls.........