Thursday, August 9, 2007

Oooo, Looking out my Backdoor......

well, ok, my front door ...
I'm so mad...
I no longer have my very own CC Billboard...
I have a Shriner billboard...
which is fine since I collect the stuff..
But when did they do that..I was just out there selling a bicycle...

It's so view, that is.....well other stuff too....

Thought For The Decade......

Come 2025 there will be more than 1 billion postmenopausal women on the planet, according to Newsweek journalist Barbara Kantrowitz, co-author of a new book Is It Hot in Here? Or is It Me?
So.....about 1/6th of the world's population will be cranky, resistant to your demands for more, and living in stretch pants.......
Mmm, Welcome To My World......