What? funkoma is having you on....PUCCI. Pea You See See Eye. That is the art of saying something...under a radar, and with creativity......
and when it comes to describing vintage in trendy terms.....funkoma giggles a bit.....
OK, I like a good story really I do...I like to write...it's fun...I like a good yarn. A buzzword right now in fashion, especially in Vintage That Looks like something right off the runway...is Origami.
Origami. Origami this. Origami that.
Origami dress. Origami skirt....and vintage origami...
So, ok, big funny sleeves from the Gay 90s 2 centuries ago...mmm maybe. 30s sleeves...que wild !!!
.....and can we ever forget...the 80s ?? no. we cannot. we try.
we cannot remove that memory from our mind-bank.
So. origami. when I think of vintage, what is prolly the least likely garment I, funkoma, would ever describe as origami..is.....wait for it....
a Square Dance Crinoline !!!!! yes ! but not just any Square Dance Crinoline....no ...one that is:
... an ORIGAMI POUF DRESS SKIRT ....in disguise.
I am not creative enough, clearly.
Girls Girls Girls...this is not a vintage designer origami skirt....it is a common square dance crinoline available from....a costume shop...
or from Sams, for instance.......as they say...a fool and her money are soon parted....
and you can have a new crinoline for about 60 bucks with shipping, since they are 99% air. Air is very cheap to ship.
Here, clicky on this link....to see real origami......
This is a bridal example of origami.....from www.onewed.com/blog/
or more everyday wear.....or at least St Paddy's Day....or I Heart Kermit the Frog Day......
.....from....retrothreads on etsy...(yes, I WOULD too wear this)
do you want to Origami a Real Dress.......in miniature? clicky here....
and funkoma vintage shall next expose the nefarious ebay sellers of shrunken motorcycle jackets..
what the flippin' heck happened to all those motorcycle jackets that trendy sellers mysteriously seem to find by the boatload, all while claiming ...Vintage is one of a kind.....so get this shrunken vintage RARE motorcycle cropped celeb favorite !! jacket.........
What super squirrel secret vintage concoction Do they have in their trendy bag of tricks that
KEEPS SHRINKING THE WORLD'S SUPPLY of motorcycle jackets???