and m. just hung a huge net in front of John Clinton's our amocat/funkoma. Because our perennial theme in the foyer is.....Nautical.....seems quite fitting...don't ya know....
I have pulled out several Sailor/ships Nautical type-theme clothes to wear this week....I seem to have a lot of it...I'll be sporting a 1920's middy with my favorite nautical theme pin made by Gertrude....from flotsam and jetsam and alphabet noodles......
several of my blouses have big ships, sailor's knots.....the kind of blouses that grannies wear on their cruise ships to Alaska.....
I have a T shirt from Tacoma's first Tall Ships....hanging in the store right now...also a 60s Stadium Letter Sweater cardy........
I am a sucker for novelty prints.....and I have tons more nautical than I thought....
hmmm....Today's choice is a silk screened slip with a .....
Tall Ship.....hey that's a poem!
It was done by teresa.....who is celticteresa on ebay and she's one of my top friends on my myspace page.....she helped me get started with html and is a clever clever girl.....
and topping that is a silk blouse with tiny tattoos and medals...that say Sailors Grave....I really started ramping up the collection a few years ago because my FIL is a ferry boat addition to my Most Beloved Theme of
Edwardian Pirate.....or slinky 70s boho chic.......
And I'm a West Coast Girl.....I've never lived, and never will live more than a few miles from salt water....I'm ...oh about 2 blocks from the salty brine.
I live a charmed life!
So support the your local from local's the cool thing.
I'll post a pic when I find my camera again......I have another piece.....
by Pinch's a weird moody face that reflects my often-state of mind..bemused confused bewilderment over mass stupidity....
and there is more local art around here... I have found lots of stuff I had hidden...and July will be Redecorate Chez MNT.
Yes, murphi's 2 pieces will hang at the new funkoma....I own the burger....
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