Friday, April 19, 2013

Oh Marilyn, Oh Spring! The gnomes are so happy! so are the flamingoes !! flamingii !!

 the purple alyssum are's spring! they smell so honey........the white alyssum has a more intense fragrance...but don't pass the purple by....
It's spring......I'm so excited. I've planted a lot in the's some tiny Swiss Chard.

little seedlings are springing up........

 and new spring things to wear are coming to the etsy shop....

Lovely candy colors in a printed plaid, this 70s cotton sundress, is from Nordstrom. It's got a wide elastic waist, a full bodice, and a gathered skirt. The skinny ties are so cute and really say "It's a beautiful day and I feel pretty!". 

this pretty dress...... is a classic......scroll down to see its Inspiration!

this pretty dress sure looks like this iconic Marilyn dress!

 Along with the late winter/spring blooming burgundy primroses,  I paired up some greenhouse nicotiana, and a bit of  blue lobelia.........courtesy of the greenhouse....

The flamingos are excited!

60s vintage Blue sharkskin suit !

80s vintage cotton Gant plaid button down short sleeve shirt 

60s vintage Fedora with gold feathers 

60s green cotton check short sleeve shirt 

Jams World shirt in bright blue, turquoise and green

60s vintage blue and green plaid shirt, short sleeve 

The gnomes are excited!! They are sooooooooo ready for spring.....

the little blue chionodoxa are blooming....
they only show their little blue heads in spring......
 known as Glory of the snow, they are a bulb, originally from Turkey. Like bulbs will do, they bloom in spring, sometimes thru the snow, and must be planted in the late fall.
This variety is named for Lucille, the wife of the botanist who named them.....discoverers get to do that....I'm sure Swiss botanist, Boissier wasn't really the first to notice them in Turkey, but he was the first to write it down in Latin, and make a big deal of it!!
these are beloved by gardeners because they are the rarest of colors in the garden, Blue.....
seems odd, eh? One would think blue would be very common....but no. The sky tries to keep as much blue as possible, I suppose..

oh look! a big healthy dandelion.....oh well.....the bugs and the birds and the butterflies appreciate a little wildness.....

pale daffodils.......

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