....well some people's do. Other people's time keeping uses another time-keeping device. I remember 3 New years eves in particular.
The NYE when Light My Fire by The Doors was announced to be the No. 1 song of 1967 by KFRC! radio, AM, oh yes. San Francisco, in the winter of love, hippie central.
I had made a black mini dress with a white collar and cuffs....and I was sitting in the lobby of my parents hotel, the Rex Hotel, because I wanted to hear the No. 1 song on the radio before I walked over to Yountville Community Hall where my mom and Barbara and other fine folk had arranged a grownups party.
I used to make almost all my clothes! I still do actually. so, the dress I made for NYE '67 looked a lot like this....and this is still one of my favorite styles.
This lovely dress is from GravelGhostVintage on etsy.

And you know what's funny to me? That Ray Manzarek lives in Napa now. Small world. M&T will be moving to my hometown any day now. Of course one of the reasons natives like me will live in an RV instead of a house...is because of people like Ray Manzarak! I find that funny. I helped make him rich....he helped make me homeless! The Wheel. It goes round.