Meanwhile, I want this:
But I did find this:
and I really like this:
edit---sept 14....the above sticker is available thru CafePress......and uh, word up election campaign IS Community Organizing...It is exactly what the Founding Fathers/Mothers of these United States did (to the indigenous but that's another post) edit........
Why would anyone denigrate Community Organizing? Are they against Democracy?
I can't believe anyone with a brain would vote for McCain/Palin. Have you completely lost your mind?
hey, I dont believe they have the syf obama sticker at the obama headquarters, they had the tshirt at for a while but they flew out the door, I lucked out for 1. they might have the sticker and buttons on ebay that's where I picked up a couple of them :)
oooh, ebay duh. you'd think I'd look there first.....hee hee.....I'm jealous of the dead/obama t shirt...grrrrr .....this week, I'll stop in and sign myself up for some stamp-licking.....thanks for the heads up.....(har har)
the tshirt was to commemorate the Dead show in SF they had in support for Obama, they are doing another one on the east coast
and the proceeds go to Obama. I dont know if the stuff on ebay donate to his campaign.
ps isnt it absolutely disgusting the republican ads against Obama? the lies about him teaching sex ed to kinder children???
those who stoop that low deserve mccain/palin
oh and did you hear/read up on Palin's 'culture of life?? some scary stuff! no wonder they are keeping Palin close guarded, giving scripted interviews...
ha! oh I'll be back with factual post about Palin....and her ilk.....She is another of the Lying Liars...Having a Uterus Don't make you a Smart Cookie.....automatically......wink
If interested there is a painting done by ARTIST Jesse Mosher just for the Deadheads for Obama rally in San Francisco at the Warfield 2-4-08
There are posters -prints -cards -postcards even
here at this link ...... take a look ....One of a kind and all hand signed and numbered ORIGINAL WORK
see photos of him outside the Warfield with the painting on the Channel 4 NEWS just before going in !
He's a great talent -Don't miss him ....and so much more ART too . Perhaps you have seen him on tour painting ? He paints on wood a lot .
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