totally stolen from Erik. That pic. Since it's Pick on the Volcano Week......first blah blah said there is no men's boutique..... and that but for..." It’s fortunate men can loyally count on great designs from Tacoma’s own Daniel Blue. Although I still think it’s a shame there’s no local men’s boutique. Sorry, guys, head to Seattle or Target or the very rare urbanXchange find."
(UrbanXchange ..Hi Julie !!!)
WRONG ! (Hi Lisa....Love Ya!)
the kind and adorable Kevin is wearing What? Purchased Where? True, while Funk is technically not a men's boutique, we can supply you with 200 T shirts, 44 Shirts, assorted jackets and coats, vintage ties & shoes.....etc etc etc For the Man About Tacoma......and we've been doing that since the mid 90s' !!!! (starting at Rampart)
Why? Because Mr. Funkoma picks from here to there. So there.
And, yup, I have buyers come here from Seattle/Portland/VancouverBC, and buy buy buy for their shops !!!!
True !!!
I Rest My Case. (yes, I'll open again on the First Day of Spring!!!) (At Noon)
And I have seen way cool men's stuff at Pure, Junior Bizarre, Rector's, and I'm sure I'm forgetting someone......
(sorry Derek,Charlie and Mike etc etc etc...I don't have a pic to steal of you guys!)
And you do realize I am typing this post with Tongue Firmly In Cheek???
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