Sunday, August 26, 2007

One of my favorite things to say Is:

I have a lot of favorites....I have a "sayings fetish"
for a long time I liked: I only know 2 things.
And there is a cuuuuuute girl in Portland who calls her blog: Daddy Likey and she says she says that a lot.
mmm, I like that !
I like colons right now....not the elimination type, silly..these::::::::
But my favorite thing to say right now is: I'm old now....
nobody really understands that I mock myself..... a lot....which is different
from you laughing at me......
which probably happens.
time for a picture:

Who reads this blog? I don't know. I have friends but not a single one has ever...
oh, except Rhianna, has ever commented....Gordon, a lovely stranger left a comment.
But I know you are reading it.....because in 12 years I'll have enough ad $
to actually get a check from Google.


Anonymous said...

We read. we watch. we wait. Viola! Now the damn is broken. Be careful whaaaaaat you ask for... you just might get it.

propriatress said...

Ha, I new I heard you breathing while reading !!!